Try to find your way back to your house

From Create Your Own Story

You wander around a bit, trying to find something you recognize, but you've only been downtown once and you don't recognize anything. Maybe you can get back on the bus and it will take you home? But no, it's already left.

You're beginning to panic. You're alone in a strange place and you have no idea how to get back home. You don't even know where home is from here! You wander down an alley that you think might take you to a main road you recognize, but with your head down, you don't even notice the huge black guy fucking some hooker until you run right into him.

"What the fuck?"

You look up, frightened. "Oh, I'm um..." You're distracted by the man pistoning in and out of the girl's mouth, fucking her face.

"You're what? Hungry?" He laughs. "Well come on, baby, I won't complain if you want some." He pulls his cock out of the girl's mouth and slaps her to the ground, grabbing your arm. His dick stick straight out toward you.

"Well go on, girl. Get on that shit."

Do you:

Get on your knees and suck his cock

Struggle to get away from him

Yell rape at the top of your lungs

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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