Try putting the slipper on your own foot

From Create Your Own Story

You sit down on the floor and take off your shoes. You try to get your foot into the glass slipper. At first your foot doesn't fit, but then, mysteriously, your foot slides into it. The shoe fits perfectly.

You stand up. You have a glass slipper on each dainty foot and you're wearing an elaborate lavender dress. It's a low-cut dress that displays your cleavage to your advantage.

You almost fall over. You didn't have cleavage a moment ago. You stare down into the valley between your breasts and feel yourself growing moist between your shapely legs.

Before you can check under your dress to see if you have a pussy, a prince appears out of thin air, mounted on a white horse.

"My princess has been found!" he shouts. "Come, my beauty! Mount behind me and I will take you to my magical kingdom!"

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Health Horny and Female Location:

The Dance Studio

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Level 3
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