Throw her down on the floor and fuck her instead

From Create Your Own Story

Since trying to get her to blow you isn't working, you drag her down to the floor, climb on top of her and sink your dick into her. She squirms and tries to get away, but you thrust right through her cherry and fill her up with your sticky dick. She cries out at being penetrated for the first time and you fuck her no-longer-virgin pussy for all it's worth. She gasps and moans, bucking wildly beneath you.

Another shopper, a young brunette wearing a short skirt, stops walking directly next to you. You look up and see her pussy lips pouting under the crotch panel of the taupe pantyhose under her black leather skirt. She stares down at you, a look of disgust on her pretty face.

"Animals!" she says. "Doing it in a supermarket, of all places!"

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Food Mart

MP 0
Level 1
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