The door opens: Katie can get onto the balcony, but her ordeal is far from over

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Tired and scared Apparel and Items: Naked, bound hand and foot with rope and tape, gagged with tape and her own thong
Day, Time Friday morning, about 7:00
Need to Bathroom Slight
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

Katie's heart leapt as she felt the screen door slide open. Crawling sideways, Katie could move only a few inches at a time. She would move, then stop and make sure she still had a decent grip before she moved again.

More than once, despite all her care, she lost her grip on the door-frame. Each time, she would lean her head back against the sliding door and take one or more deep breaths, blink tears out of her eyes, then get a new grip on the door-frame and continue her slow, inexorable progress. Finally, after about the fifth time Katie fought to keep her emotions under control, she stared wishing she wasn't so well-gagged, because she found herself wanting to swear at the top of her lungs. The muffled moaning sounds she could manage to vocalize were no substitute.

Finally, after a half-hour or an hour, Katie had the door open far enough for her to crawl through. She slid back along the carpet until her back was to the open screen door. Then she crawled onto the balcony.

"Guhh," Katie gasped as her tender butt scraped across the metal runners that held the door in place. Then she gasped again once she was sliding across the wood balcony. Finally, Katie was outside, on the balcony.

She laboriously turned herself around so that she was facing outward.

Her heart sank at what she saw.

Behind her apartment was nothing but a tree-covered hill, which rose higher than the top of her balcony. The trees and bushes looked too thick for anyone to use them. On each side, concrete walls between apartment balconies meant no one could see her from either side, and the hill behind her apartment meant that no one could see her at all.

Again, Katie cried. All her work was for nothing.

As had happened the previous time, Katie only stopped crying when she was out of tears. She looked around. Her balcony was small, barely large enough to hole a couple of lounge airs and maybe a small table. It was empty of furniture, however; she would have to provide any balcony furniture, and she had none. There was a metal drain attached to the wall of her apartment to her left. She could reach it after a long crawl, but wondered if there was any reason to.

Katie shivered. Her body was covered in sweat, which was drying in the chilly morning air and cooling her down. Her jaw was sore, and she was only too aware of the awful taste of the dirty thong in her mouth. It may have been her dirty thong, but that didn't mean she wanted it there.

What could she do?, Katie thought. She could think of several options: she could crawl back inside and look through her boxes, one at a time, even if it took forever. She could figure out a way to make some sort of noise, and maybe somebody would hear it and come to investigate. Or she could crawl over to the other side of her balcony and investigate the drain-pipe; maybe it had a sharp edge she could use to cut herself free with.

Katie crawls back into her apartment and prepares to spend all day searching boxes

Katie decides to find a way to make some noise so someone will investigate

Katie investigates the drain pipe, looking for a sharp edge

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