The Mind Controlling Device/(Device) Ask mom to take care of your boner for you.

From Create Your Own Story

You shift uncomfortably on your bed, the ache in your pants demanding attention. Set in your goal, you touch the device. You want to see my dick, to play with it, to lick and suck it. You like to make me cum. You like to swallow my cum.

Your mother reaches over and feels your forehead.

Mom: "Well you don't have a temperature, but your cheeks sure are red..."

You: "I'm j-just hot is all, mom."

Mom: "Well, you should do what I did and get out of some of those clothes. I'll go get you some water."

You notice her glance at your crotch before she leaves. She clearly noticed the bulge. You smirk, watching her ass as she leaves your room - she's definitely putting a little more sway in her hips than normal. You quickly disrobe, your eager cock springing from your boxer-briefs with a comical motion You set a pillow against the headboard and sit back down on your bed, slightly reclined, cock standing proudly. You can't wait to see mom's reaction.

Mom opens the door, glass of water in hand. She pauses for an instant, her eyes lighting up as she sees your nudity. She bites her lip cutely.

Mom: "Well I didn't mean... all of your clothes... but that works."

She walks over to you and hands you the glass of water, kneeling slightly. She doesn't let go of the glass immediately, her eyes darting to your erection.

Mom: "You're... awfully excited, sweetie..."

She lets go of the glass, swinging her arm down and casually dragging a knuckle along your hot shaft.

Mom: "I bet you got this from playing with my boobs. It's only fair that mommy takes care of this for you, then, don't you think?"

Mom kneels beside the bed, and you spin to meet her, sitting on the edge. You splay your legs open and she leans in, wrapping her delicate fingers around your impressive girth. She strokes your cock lovingly, alternating her gaze between your cock head and your eyes. You can tell she wants it, but she seems little apprehensive still. You consider using the watch to make the feeling stronger, but stop as she speaks.

Mom: "God, this is so wrong. I'm your mother, but here I am, naked and stroking your dick. Are you okay with this, baby?"

You: "Yes, of course! I want this so bad, mom! I want you to suck my dick!"

Mom: "I'm glad to hear you say that, baby. It makes me happy. Mommy's going to suck your dick like only a mother can..."

Mom leans down, her hot lips pressing against your tip in a gentle kiss. Her tongue plays about your tip, skillfully locating every sensitive spot, making you tremble with pleasure. She starts licking you from the base up all seven thick inches to your tip, slicking you up for her next trick. She bobs her head down your cock, first shallowly, then deeper and deeper. Before long she's taking all of you save for the very base, her slim hand wrapped around it, pumping you as she bobs up and down. It feels incredible, her tongue doing complex tricks despite your girth filling her mouth quite a bit. But, alas, you are young and inexperienced, and your mother's practiced tongue proves too much. You groan a warning and fill your mother's mouth with your hot cum, much more than you've ever shot while masturbating. She swallows nearly all of it, a last weak spurt trickling down your shaft after she pulls back and gulps the hot fluid down. She smiles at you, then licks up the last drops. She gives your dick one last motherly kiss as it goes limp and pats your knee before standing.

Mom: "That was fun, sweetheart. You taste really good."

You hear footsteps coming up the stairs to. Shit, that's right - your big sister was going to swing by to pick up some things she either didn't have space or time to take along when she moved out a few months ago!

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