The Exile (male)

From Create Your Own Story

You wake up in a chunky kolto tank on a deserted truck stop with no clue how you got there. I had to be really, really drunk, you reason. After wandering around, finding Atton and Kreia and PWNing some cheap Sith assassins you realize that the only planet your ship is able to fly is Telos. On the way there you remember everything. The Mandalorian Wars… multiple fucks with Atris… your exiling… exiling…

– Those motherfuckers exiled me! You suddenly start yelling to everyone's surprise.

Initially you feel wrath and anger towards the councilors who exiled you, even Atris, even though she has a fine rack. Soon you however begin to see the light: the Jedi Code doesn't affect you any more. And that means only one thing: Unlimited amount of POONTANG!

Begin your epic quest for Poontang!

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Male Exile

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