Thank your Dad and eagerly take your Mom's mouth

From Create Your Own Story

Your Mom is beyond gorgeous, so you have no issues sticking your cock in her mouth. Besides, some orc mates go all the way with their children, so this is nothing out of the ordinary. Your Mom won't go all the way with you though, she used to be an elf princess, and she's too proud to let anyone but your father have sex with her.

As your Mom's bright red lips wrap around your cock you lean your head back and moan in pleasure, nearly cumming on the spot from how skilled she is. Despite how small her mouth is, and how large your cock is, she's an elf and won't be hurt by it. This is why elves are the most sought after mates, as their bodies can withstand almost anything, even your Dad's two and half foot long cock. Not to mention that no matter how many times they have sex, her pussy will not stretch or grow dark in color, it will remain tight and pink for as long as she lives.

With your Dad pounding away at Mom, you don't have to move at all to have her take your entire length. So you just lean back and run your fingers through her silver hair, enjoying the sensation.

It feels too good, and you ejaculate prematurely. Your Mom takes it like a champ, and drinks every drop you spew. Even though you wish it had lasted longer, the pain is no longer there, and you should probably get going.

"Feel better, Son?" your dad asks.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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