Thank the barkeep for not forcing you, but decline

From Create Your Own Story

"I see." the bar tender says as though he isn't surprised, "Well, there isn't anything else here for you, but I hope you find something else."

"Thank you." you say, and quietly leave the whore house.

Well, you're homeless, jobless, and friendless now. Not to mention that you're in a rather shady part of town, so the first thing you do is quickly leave this area, and decide you'll figure things out once you get out of here. You retrace the steps you took to get here with Leogace, and quickly find yourself in the main plaza of the city. It's busy and crowded, so you slip off to the side, and find an out door diner where you take a seat.

Moments after you take your seat, a waiter comes up to you and asks, "What can I get for you today?"

"Um..." you pause to think, and since you don't have any money, you tell him, "Some water, please."

"Is that all?" he asks, and you nod, "Very well, I'll be back in a moment."

As you wait, you look at your surroundings, and to your right you see a small group of young men ganging up and bullying, of all things, an overweight elf. Since it's incredibly rare, to your knowledge, that elves are ever fat, you figure he must be a half elf. The result of a human and elf making a baby, and judging by his features, you figure the mother was human.

To your left, you spot a dark elf man in a fancy suit staring right at you, with a grin on his face. He has a notepad and pen, which he carefully writes in as he stares at you. It makes you uncomfortable.

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

silk dress

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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