Tell the wolfman to get in your bed with you and put his tongue to good use

From Create Your Own Story

You reach out and take his hand. "I hope you know how to use that tongue for more than talking."

He gives you a lecherous grin and nods. You lead him to the bedroom.

"Get naked and hop in," you instruct. He removes his clothes and climbs into the bed as you finish undressing. You slip in next to him and give the wolfman a deep kiss.

"Wow," he pants when you break for air. "You're a great kisser."

"Less talking, more tonguing," you instruct, guiding his head towards your breasts. He kisses through your cleavage, then locks his mouth on a nipple. You moan appreciatively and reach downward, finding his long, thick cock and starting to stroke it.

After he shifts to your other breast for a couple of minutes, your slit is leaking juices. You want to be filled.

Health Horny & Female Location:

Bo Peep's Cottage

MP 0
Level 5
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