Tell her to do her best to remain still until the worst urge to cum has passed

From Create Your Own Story

She nods, but you're not sure she's trying very hard.

And then you feel that familiar surge... and you desperately try to think of something not sexy, but to no avail.

"That went well," Gail says, when you both hear the unmistakeable sounds of sloshing inside her, as your cock shudders and sends spurt after spurt deep up into her.

This time, the climax is more controlled however, and you manage to keep eye contact almost the entire time.

"You're really filling me up to the brim..." Gail says dreamily. But she's wearing a weak smile and there's no anger in her voice. After a while, she draws a few short breaths, closes her eyes, and then it's over for the both of you.

Even though this climax wasn't as earth-shattering, you still notice how Gail's breasts expand and how the cum in her belly keep roiling and sloshing inside. It appears elephants cum a lot even for a minor ejaculation.

Finally, your eruption subsides.

"Right. Let's try again, shall we?" she says in her business voice and starts to get back into position to stand up, even though your penis isn't quite finished sperming her yet.

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Health Horny Location:

The Hotel

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Level 1
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