Tell both women to calm down and drop their weapons

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm going to find out what's going on, but first I need both of you to calm down and drop your weap..."

That's as far as you get. Annabelle suddenly slices Holly's throat wide open. She then charges you with the bloodsoaked blade. You fire a single, well-aimed shot. The bullet goes right through Annabelle's heart and she slumps dead.

You shake your head, still not quite able to believe it. Why would Ana do something like this? Now you'll never know. And Holly is dead.

Jack suddenly comes rushing into the garden. "I heard a shot. What happ..." He stops and stares as he notices Joe's corpse, then Annabelle's, and finally his wife's. "NOOOOOOO!!!"

When he finally regains his senses, he turns to you. "What happened here?"

Health 100 Equipment:

Pistol, sword

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