Tell Sal you want to gamble

From Create Your Own Story

"I'd like to do a little bit of gambling," you say.

"Excellent!" Sal says. He hauls a small sack out from under his desk. You know the drill and fork over a $100 bill. Sal hands you the heavy sack. It has $100 worth of quarters in it.

"Thanks, Sal," you say.

"Anytime, kid," Sal says. "Vito, take this kid to where the good machines are."

Vito leads you off to another part of the complex. "Have fun, kid," he says, heading back to Sal's office.

You look around the room. Women in skimpy dresses and men in dark suits are playing the "good" machines. These, you know, are Sal's favorite people. The ones in Sal's doghouse get directed to the machines that are rigged to win money for the "house", as opposed to these machines, which are rigged to give the player an edge.

Three machines are open.

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Health Horny Location:

Big Sal's Complex

MP 0
Level 1
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