Tell Jenna the truth and hope for the best

From Create Your Own Story

In the back of your head you hear what your dad has always said "better to tell the truth if you know you'll get caught than to lie about it and get in more trouble."

You adjust your self a bit, take a big breath as your face turns blood red, and blurt it out.

"Jenna I was jerking off here thinking about you because I've had a stupid crush on you for as long as I've liked girls and I really wanna be your boyfriend and go out and who knows what might happen"'re on a roll now, but you find the brakes in your mouth aren't working "to be honest I've never been out with a girl before and would be really happy if it was you because you've been kinda nice to me getting Cam and the others to stop beating me up and you're the only whose ever done that and you're really pretty and pretty girls don't help guys like me and I think your red hair and freckles matches really nice with your cheer uniform and I don't really like sports or anything but I've seen you practice and think you do a great job out there."

You finally stop to take a breath and keep going, but Jenna puts a hand over your mouth "It's okay, I got the picture." Your starting to sweat a bit and you feel like your heart is about to explode out of your chest. Jenna is closer to you than any girl has ever been ever before, and she's hotter than any girl you've ever talked to.

"Do I make you nervous?" she asks.

You nod "unequivacably so."

She smiles a bit and kisses you! on the lips even! "that's so adorable. Don't worry, lots of boys jerk off to cheerleaders." You wanna tell her that it's not because she's a cheerleader, but you can't get the words out "I'll keep this whole thing a secret between us okay? but you gotta not say anything either, got it?"

You nod again "sure, whatever you say."

She looks behind herself to see if anyone's looking, and than kisses you again as she pushes her tongue in your mouth! your cock's about to rip through your pants! You don't know what to do and just let your instincts take over, trying to match her movements with your own tongue. She stops and giggles a bit "cya round."

You continue on your way to school. what do you do when you get there?

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

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Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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