Take advantage of her body

From Create Your Own Story

You examine her up and down, marveling at every aspect of her body: every curve, every crevice, all meticulously studied while she goes on her with little tirade about how miserable she is. Not that you mind. In your experience, miserable girls make the best sluts and whores. While she sobs into your shoulder, you slip your hand up the back of her shirt to find she doesn’t have a bra. She doesn’t notice you’re feeling her up until you bring that hand around to her chest and cup her breast, at which point she looks at you with honest confusion.

“W... What are you doing?”

You give her a smile filled with lust.

“Y... You're my... my friend,” she says through increasing tears once she realizes what’s going on.

You decide to lie and make it seem like it was never real.

“You thought that was friendship? I was just trying to get what I’m taking now!”

Her eyes widen with horror.

“No. No! That’s not true!”

You look at her with nothing but desire in your eyes. You hold her upper arms as she begins to struggle.

“I thought you were different!”

“You thought wrong!”

You say that, then deliver a swift slap to the jaw with such force she’s knocked onto the bed.

You are possessing:
Adrian, age 17
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