Take Kerri to the park, where a local theatre company is holding an outdoor performance of "The Little Mermaid"

From Create Your Own Story

You take Kerri's small hand in yours and direct your steps to the park. You settle down on a temporary bench close to the stage and wait. A few minutes later, the play begins.

For a local theatre company, it's a very good performance. The actors and actresses obviously rehearsed their songs quite well. The scenery is beautiful. Sitting in the warm sun holding Kerri's hand and sneaking kisses with her when there is a break to change the sets, you can't imagine life being much better.

After the perfomance ends, you make your way away from the crowds towards the edge of the park. "That was awesome," Kerri chirps. "But now I'm hungry."

"What did you have in mind?" you inquire.

"I'm not choosy," Kerri giggles. "You pick."

You are possessing:
Beautiful 14-year-old
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