Take Cindy to the woods for privacy

From Create Your Own Story

You look around and are too uncomfortable with having sex in public to commit to anything. You offer your hand to her and nod your head towards the woods. She offers you her slightly damp and musky paw and you pull her up into an embrace. Looking down at her you risk a quick kiss in public, darting your tongue into her mouth briefly before pulling away and leading her towards the woods.

There is no path and the going is a little rough, with brambles scratching through your shorts at your rock-hard dick causing you to lose your erection. You look back and see that Cindy is having similar problems, although her thick fur is helping to protect her from unwanted thorns and sharp branches. You finally come to a clearing, relieved that you made it somewhere comfortable and relatively private. You begin immediately working Cindy into a sexual mood again by bringing her sticky fingers to your nose and breathing in her musky scent deeply. You then take your broad horse tongue and lap at the fur, getting a full taste of her arousal which brings your erection back to full mast.

You slowly bend down, nibbling at her breasts as you pass them by until you are kneeling with your nose pressed against the cloth covering her sopping wet pussy. You grab the waist band of her bottoms and pull them down, watching, mesmerized, as the patch of cloth in front of her pussy sticks slightly and stays connected by a thick strand of fluid before snapping loose from her swollen lips. You quickly discard the shorts and lay Cindy down in the grass, lining your cock up to start fucking. As your cock spreads her hole open and you begin to slide in, you hear a rustling in the bushes to your left.

"Mommy, what are that horsey and bear doing?" you hear a small voice ask. Horrified, you turn to see a young piglet and his mother sow standing at the edge of the clearing. She is immediately irate and swipes her young child into her arms before screaming at you in a shrill voice about morals and indecency. As you listen to her screams, you focus beyond her and see that your clearing is right on the edge of what looks like a public picnic area and people are starting to take notice. You see someone frantically waving down park security and begin to panic. You pull out of Cindy and grab her hand, the two of you taking off, half-naked, back the way you came. The brambles and thorns are much harsher now that neither of you are wearing bottoms and you both get some serious scrapes on your most sensitive of areas. By the time you are out of the woods, neither of you is in a fucking mood and you are both without pants. You agree that it is time to part ways and figure out how to get home without getting in trouble with the authorities.

You should have just tried fucking near the path, at least you could have kept an eye out for people. I guess this is... THE END

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Athletic Shirt, Cloth Headband, Cuts and Scrapes

Gender Male
Species Horse
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