TWAWKI/The species of children that human females carry depend on the species that impregnate them.

From Create Your Own Story

Drawing upon your godly powers, you bellow:

"The species of children that human females carry depend on the species that impregnate them."

The boom of thunder startles the aroused Collie, making him snuggle up closer to Jill's face, as she tries to comfort him. The Dog soon forgets about the thundering sound too as he now notices how overwhelming the scent of a bitch in heat emanates from this fertile bitch's hole, which just so happens to be presented to his erect dog cock a mere inch away.

"Fidget... Ahh, I know what you want, boy, do it, I'm your bitch" Jill breathes at the growling canine as it paws at her chest to get a good grip to fuck and breed his new bitch, her moral compass now completely overwhelmed with lust.

Jill's soaked snatch offers no resistance as the thick, throbbing dog cock finally enters her fertile hole and pounds her relentlessly, his claws now digging in somewhat painfully to her stomach as he leaves light, pink scratch marks over her smooth skin, claiming her as his bitch. Jill can't get enough of his throbbing, rutting cock and quickly cums around it, proving how much she needs to be filled with it.

Fidget's thrusts begin to shorten as he tries to keep his cock buried as deep as possible, it seems his knot is forming but in this position, it doesn't look like it'll be deep enough to knot her successfully, perhaps it's time to intervene to make sure she's carrying a whole litter of cute pups.

Change Focus

Influence Jill Wilson

Make a rule


Focus Rules
Country United States Incest is not only okay, but highly desirable. / Human females get pregnant whenever they get semen in their vagina. / Human females can only be pregnant with the children conceived in a single day at one time. / The younger the partner the hotter the sex. / Humans males can produce sperm regardless of age. / Underage sex is perfectly acceptable if it is consensual. / Sex in public is very arousing to all humans that are reasonably fit. / Humans can carry any number of children safely. / Humans females and male animals are mutually sexually attracted to one another. / Everyone will forget about the thunderous sound of making new rules once it has passed. / The species of children that human females carry depend on the species that impregnate them.
Region Miller's Grove, Indiana
Individual Jill Wilson
Condition Satisfied bitch, Pregnant (3 by her brother Barry, 3 by her 5 year old boyfriend Danny, 1 by her bus driver Gauge, 13 by children on her bus.)
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