TWAWKI/Humans females and male animals are mutually sexually attracted to one another.

From Create Your Own Story

You focus your godly might and yell:

"Humans females and male animals are mutually sexually attracted to one another."

Thunder once again cracks through the valley. Jill's head jerks toward the window. She lifts the blanket and looks at Fidget.

"This thunder has been going on all day," she says, "and all day weird stuff has been going on. I never would have thought that I'd fuck my little brother, or a kindergarten kid; let alone my older than dirt bus driver and a whole busload of kids . . . and now for some reason I think you're sexy as hell. What is going on Fidget?"

Uh oh . . . she's on to you! What can you do? Should you even try.

Influence Jill Wilson

Make a rule


Focus Rules
Country United States Incest is not only okay, but highly desirable. / Human females get pregnant whenever they get semen in their vagina. / Human females can only be pregnant with the children conceived in a single day at one time. / The younger the partner the hotter the sex. / Humans males can produce sperm regardless of age. / Underage sex is perfectly acceptable if it is consensual. / Sex in public is very arousing to all humans that are reasonably fit. / Humans can carry any number of children safely. / Humans females and male animals are mutually sexually attracted to one another. /
Region Miller's Grove, Indiana
Individual Jill Wilson
Condition Aroused, Had an Epiphany, Pregnant (3 by her brother Barry, 3 by her 5 year old boyfriend Danny, 1 by her bus driver Gauge, 13 by children on her bus.)
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