Stroke the leg of the girl sitting at the desk behind you

From Create Your Own Story

You reach behind you and gently run your hand up and down the leg of the girl. You didn't pay attention to who it was when you took your seat, but right now you're so bored you don't care.

The girl doesn't react at first, caught by surprise. When she gets her wits together, she leans forward and whispers, "Daisy? What...?"

You realize it's the shy, cute Vietnamese girl from your gym class, Tran Le Xuan. You half-turn your body and whisper back, "I'm bored out of my skull!"

Mr. Gaslight turns away from the board to face the class and you quickly spin back so you're facing him. He doesn't seem to have noticed anything about you, but he does notice that 15 of the kids are half-asleep and 10 are completely asleep.

"Class!" he growls, loud enough to cause the kids who are fully asleep to open one eye. "This is important material that you'll need to use throughout the rest of your life! Pay attention!" With that, he turns back to the board and resumes writing equations.

Xuan leans forward and whispers shyly, "Daisy? Do you... think I'm pretty? Is that why you were touching me?"

You respond with a whisper and say...

You are possessing:
Sporty Blonde Girl
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