Stick your face in between Katya's legs

From Create Your Own Story

You slide your face in between Katya's lovely legs and slither your tongue in between her labia. Katya hisses sharply at the sudden intrusion into her twat.

"Michelle?" she says. "What... Professor!"

She puts her hands on your head and tries to push you away from her crotch. The taste of her honey is too sweet for you to do anything but thrust your tongue in and out of her, digging for more of her secretions.

"No, please...," Katya groans.

You catch her clit between your teeth and your upper lip and suck on it like a straw. Katya moans and rubs your cheeks with her thighs. You keep pumping her pussy with your tongue until she cries out and spills a gusher of juice into your eager mouth. You gulp down all of her tasty sauce.

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Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, Philosophy Professor

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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