Steal the rags

From Create Your Own Story

You snatch an old, tattered shirt from the house and put it on. It doesn't even reach halfway down your thighs and the neckline is so torn, you find your self showing much more of your ample bosom than you ever had before, and you're worried that it might slide off your shoulders entirely. Still, it's better than nothing.

You step out of the ally, looking more like a beggar than a princess. Hopefully, you won't draw too much attention to yourself before you get back home.

"Hey! Stop!" You turn to see a large man glowering at you and approaching. "Is that my shirt?"

"Um, is it?" you ask nervously.

"Yes! That's mine! You stole it! You're a thief!"

Thief? "I'm not a thief, I'm a pri--"

"Give it back."

You blink in surprise. "What?"

"You heard me, thief. Give it back, or I'll make you give it back."

"What? But I'm not wearing anything underneath! If I take it off, I'll be n...n-na...indecent!"

"Not my problem," he sneers.

You realize that this could get very dangerous very quickly. Or deathly embarrassing. You're not sure which you'd prefer.

Health 80 Equipment:


Stamina 60
Mood Frightened Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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