Stay and tell her who you are

From Create Your Own Story

You go to tell her your name... and realise you don't know your own name with a start! You shakily try to tell her this and discover you can't speak, not only can you not speak but no sound whatsoever is coming out of your mouth! You start clutching at your throat, still struggling to speak.

She gives you a funny look. "Are you....trying to speak? Seriously?" She looks you up and down, somehow her criticizing gaze calms you down somewhat and you stop grabbing your throat. "You're new. Very new, almost...? No, you can't be." She narrows her eyes, grabbing your chin and dragging you down to her height. She stares straight into your eyes, you notice them changing colour, becoming slightly paler, it surprises you but you're not sure wether it's your imagination or not. "Intresting, your new. Like, newborn new. Strange." She releases you and takes a step back, a hand on her hip and a slight sigh escapes her lips. "You're really very lucky, it just so happens that I have a back-up for the spell you corrupted. And, well you're a new-born, so it's not really fair to be annoyed at you. Okay kiddo, who created you?" You stare at her, What the hell is wrong with her? I can't speak! I...I should just go, something, somethings not right with this kid. She smiles at you, "Okay, look, I know we got off on the wrong foot but I'm really very tired, so I'll just make this place baby proof, and you can try not to die okay? Great." She walks off and starts closing books and rubbing symbols off of the blackboard, you watch her and wonder how this could be considered making the room 'baby-safe'. you would love to argue that you're not a baby, you think glumly, but you can't seem to talk at the moment, so you can't. It's frustrating, and a little frightening but you seem to have calmed down somewhat, although your not quite sure why.

The door opens and a man walks in, you dive behind the couch and pray he didn't see you. "Hey there princess, any luck?" Princess? You doubt he's talking to you, you relax. "Somewhat" she replies "I'm getting some evidence of light, but it's not substantial and not nearly powerful enough." "All the same, it certainly sounds impressive, may I see?" "'Fraid you're too late, it takes a good amount of set-up, and it's still unstable so it takes a couple of days just to prepare. I'm still in the early stages so I'm not used to it enough. As soon as I have some decent development I'll let you know." He smirks while watching her clean up. "Now you've been here now for at least 20 years, and in all that time I haven't once seen you clean up after yourself unless forced, what's wrong sweetie?" She pauses for a second and you can't help but feel guilty, the only reason she's cleaning is becuse of you. She recovers quickly enough though and you wonder just how used to lying she is. "This version suggests possible concern of heavy poisioning, so I'm making sure nothing happens while I'm out. I'm sure I'll manage to tinker it out in a couple of weeks but you might want to keep clear of this place until then okay?" His smirk vanishes and he starts looking concerned, you can't help but smile to yourself as his tone changes dramatically. "Oh, right. Well, all the same I expect you back in your room in 10 minutes or your privileges will be suspended until you can properly appreciate them once again. Goodnight princess, and don't forget, 10 minutes!" You hear the door open and close and hear some shuffling, suddenly laughter rings out. "Okay kiddo I don't have time to explain right now, but your little dive behind the couch almost gave us away. In the future don't worry about being seen so much. Anyways, I've got to go so stay in this room, don't read anything, don't die and oh, I don't know, try to figure out how to talk, and ...touch stuff if you get bored okay? See ya!" You hear the door open and close once more and you wonder what she meant by that. It's annoying to be laughed at by a child, but you realise that she proberly knows a lot more than you currently do. You let out a sigh, what to do next you think to yourself.

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