Stay and live with Corbin as his long-term lover.

From Create Your Own Story

"Do you ask this to all your dates?" You chuckled a bit. It sounded like a ridiculous question, almost intrusive. But you felt you had to know. "I mean, I'm not the only woman you've ever slept with, right?"

"That's true." He nodded thoughtfully. "But I never asked this question to anyone else. I've never considered committing to a long-term relationship until I met you."

"What's so special about me anyways?" You leaned in inquisitively. "I mean, a guy of your wealth and stature can have any woman he wants. I'm just a small-time college grad with no job and nothing to my name."

"You have my trust and admiration." He looked you deeply in your slightly flustered hazel eyes. "I want you to be by my side- as my lover and partner."

"Well...I guess staying here with you wouldn't be TOO awful..." You tilted your head and pretended to hesitate. "I mean, you ARE a pretty great guy. I guess being your partner would be okay."

He smiles at you and leans in for another kiss. "How about my lover?"

"Of course, that too." You giggled playfully. "Being amazing in bed doesn't hurt."

You lay in his arms and gradually drifted into sleep.

Some years later...

"Mama! Mama!"

"Yes, love?" You turn from the kitchen stove to look at your 4-year-old son in his eyes, deep and dark, like his father's. With his short, brunette hair much like your own.

"When is papa coming home?"

You wiped your hands on the apron, combed a streak of hair away from your face, and looked up at the wall clock. "He should be here any minute now, did you finish your homework? I know Papa said he was bringing home your favorite snack, but no snack until dinner and homework are both finished."

"Okay, mama. I'm ALMOST done." The boy grinned playfully and ran off to complete his task. His mischevious smile takes after his mother.

You shook your head slightly with a smile and turned around to continue your cooking. Satisfied with the way things turned out, you gazed momentarily out the window at the setting sun and wondered how things would have turned out differently if you had chosen a different path that day at the interview.

The End

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