Spit in his face to provoke him

From Create Your Own Story

You look into his elated, vulture eyes a long while before choosing one to aim for and spitting in it. Your father yells in shock and rage as he wipes the coagulated mixture of saliva and blood off his face and turns back to you with fury on his mind.

“You little bitch!” he screams louder than you’ve ever heard before, grabbing hold of your throat again. “You wanna die on this hill, is that it? Well, when I’m through with you, you’re gonna wish you were dead!”

“Little... late... for... that...” you retort through bruised cheeks and swollen lips.

A swift, powerful punch to the stomach tells you he’s had enough of your snark. Had you been standing on your own, you would have doubled over from that.

“I’m only gonna ask this once. Emily, apologize for your behavior.”

“Do... I look... three to you?”

Another strong punch.

“Do it!”

“Fuck you!”


“Do it!”

“Fuck you!”


“Do it!”

“Fuck you!”

Each punch hits harder than the last. After each punch, you both continue to raise your voices, until you can be heard two blocks away.

“Do it!”

“Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!”

After that, he gives up talking and just roars as he slams your belly with a barrage of kicks and punches. Your demonic nature means you can survive pretty much anything he can throw, but in this weak body it still hurts just as much. He wasn’t kidding when he said you’d wish you were dead. He even throws a few hits to your kidneys and your spleen, further adding to the pain. He manages to throw so many punches, he’s practically bouncing you against the floor. After three minutes of this, he kicks your belly like a football, with enough force that you vomit. You lie there, humiliated and struggling to breathe, clenching your battered stomach while crying.

“I hope you learned your lesson!” he sneers as he turns toward the door.

“Fuck you!” you whisper under your breath, but still loud enough for him to hear it.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?”

”Fuck... you!”

His face becomes beet red and his veins slither across his forehead as he contorts it to bare as many teeth as possible.

“That’s it!” he bellows at the top of his lungs. “If you like your mother so much...”

He pauses as he pulls you by the hair to your knees and yanks it back to force you to look at him. What you notice first, however, is his massive, swiftly erecting cock aimed right at your face.

“Then I’ll break you like her!”

With that, he yanks your hair back even harder and pinches and twists the nipple Brandon bit, forcing you to scream in pain. He than shoves every inch of his fat dick all the way down your throat, causing you to gag at both its size and your disgust. The latter is aided by the pubic hairs entering your nose. Your perverted father then pulls you by your hair all the way up to the head and quickly forces you all the way back down. You beat and claw at his abdomen while he face fucks you like tomorrow is the end. You choke on his member the entire time as blood rushes to your faces, tears pour down your cheeks and strings of spittle fly in every direction.

“Ooohhhh fuck yeah! Ohhhh, ahh! Oh, you’re your mother’s daughter all right!”

The statement and the absolute perversion in his voice fills you up with so much hate and disgust that, as he’s about to pull you back, you bite down on his cock hard, raking your teeth across it. At this, your father yells in pain, yanks you off his cock, and slaps you hard, into your puke puddle from earlier.

He than pulls you back up by the hair and yells in your face, “You keep asking for it! Do want me to rape you? Because I will! Defile every oraface you have! You won’t be able to move when I’m done with you! Is that it? Is that what you want? You’re really gonna get raped by your dad? I will if you don’t get in your place now!”

“Than fucking do it!

His fury finally reaches its peak and he shoves his entire cock up your virgin ass, at which you unleash a scream that would deafen a banshee. The dirty talk he had before is done, replaced by violent, wrathful growling as he pounds your asshole without mercy. You paint his member red with your rectal blood and hoot, holler, and growl in absolute pain. No pleasure can be gained from this: this is punishment, meant to humiliate you. To prove him to be superior to you. You hate him so much and refuse to submit to him, but the other side of you just wants it to end. After what seems like an eternity, the sick bastard finally heaves a powerful bellow and you a shriek that cracks any and all glass in the vicinity, as he unleashes a torrent of cum up your ass and into your bowels. He pulls out slowly, savoring his victory.

But is it a victory?

You are possessing:
11th Grade Emo Girl
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