Snuggle next to Holly and let yourself doze off

From Create Your Own Story

You press your body tightly against Holly and wrap your arms around her. Holly wraps you up in her arms and legs and the two of you doze off...

Your eyes slowly open. Holly's sleeping body is still entwingled with yours. You kiss her cheek softly and close your eyes, although you remain half-awake. A few minutes later, Holly's body stirs. You open your eyes and Holly slowly becomes fully cognizant of her surroundings. "Mmmmmm," she whispers," Jill, you're... well, thank you." She blushes prettily.

"I'm up for more if you are," you murmur, kissing Holly's neck as you speak.

"You two could join us," says a voice. You both look up to see Jessica and Katy standing naked in the room. "Or we could go back to Katy's room and leave you two to yourselves," Jessica continues. "But you're both beautiful."

Holly blushes again. You have a fast, whispered conversation with her.

You are possessing:
Jill the Cheerleader
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