Snuggle into Della's arms and say you've had enough for now

From Create Your Own Story

Being a young teenage girl is tough!

You nestle into Della's strong arms. "I'm spent," you tell her. "It's been a long day."

Della flashes a gentle smile. "I figured as much," she murmurs. "Relax, sweetie." Della hits a switch, and the room goes dark. She snuggles you tightly and her lips find your cheek. Her hands run lightly over your back. The tension drains out of you and your eyes close. "That's it, love," Della whispers. "Sleep time. I'll take care of everything..."

"Wake up, love." You blink the sleep out of your eyes. Della is still holding you. She kisses your cheek and smiles. "Time for school." You both enter the shower and get clean, then dress. "You're coming to practice with me after school, then I'll take you home."

"Okay," you reply, knowing that you can't refuse. Della has your life in her hands and if you don't want those pictures known to everyone, plus the fact you cheated on the test...

The school day passes uneventfully, although there's a lot of buzz about what actually did happen to T. No one seems to believe the official explanation that he tripped over a flight of stairs, but no one can come up with any evidence that it was something else.

"They never will," Della tells you as she drives you home after practice. "He really did trip down a flight of stairs. Boy is the clumsiest geek in school."

After a very intensive study session, extending both before and after dinner with focus on math, you and Della cuddle in her bed. "I figure you're not up for a whole lot," Della purrs. "So would you like to go straight to sleep, or have a quick fingering session?"

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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