Skull fuck the back of Paul's head as he fucks your sister

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to wreck some havoc amidst this bloody scene. You drop your pants revealing your throbbing penis, and, getting up onto the bed, you stand behind Paul. You pull the heel of the shoe out of his head and replug the hole with the tip of your penis. With a push (and some extra demon strength) your cock penetrates the wound. The feeling of his brains squishing around your penis is indescribable, and in ecstasy you begin to hump. As you fuck his head his body begins to rock in and out of her pussy with his cock still hard. The scraping of his skull along your penis doesn't bother you, the cerebral fluid leaking out helps... it feels a bit like you'd imagine fucking a watermelon. He makes garbled noises, but he's obviously not long for the world. You sense synapses in his head attempting to tell the brain dead bully that he is cumming. You smirk, and with that you decide you too have had enough. As Paul unknowingly pumps his final load into your sister, you release your pent up cum directly into his brain. You sigh as your boiling cum floods into his grey matter and you release his twitching head. The bully is dead.

Now you have to

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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