Sit down with the sweaty dirty blonde

From Create Your Own Story

You sit next to the muscle-babe and she smiles. "You like muscular women?" she says with a grin.

Any woman that's willing to give it up is fine by you, but you do have a fetish for strong ones. "Yes," you reply.

"Good," the she-hunk responds. She pulls your body against hers, tilting your head so it rests on her massive shoulder. You feel her strong hand slide under your shirt and her fingers gently caressing your chest.

"Mmmmmm," you murmur. The heat and steam from the sauna is making you very relaxed. The muscle-woman's caresses are adding to the effect.

"I'm Ava," she says. You nod. Ava's hand continues to gently rub your skin. You manage to focus enough to tell her your name.

The steam is making your eyes want to close. Ava softly shifts your position so your head is resting against her firm, massive chest.

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Health Horny Location:

The Gym

MP 0
Level 2
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