Sit and see what the men do about the hand

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to chill and see what they are doing there, so you sit and watch. The men, thinking the area is safe decide to put their weapons away and turn to each other. Both men are tall and skinny, they seemed to be for scouting and running long distances since the two of them are traveling light for where they were. The man with the machine gun looks over to the pistol man and says "Well it seems we found something worth taking back to captain, eh roger?" The pistol man keeps looking at the hand and says "Well it seems that way Barlie, but we are going to have to go back and let the captain know at the port." The two nod to eachother and then the pistol man runs off, the machinegun man turns to the hand and says "You are gonna get us a pretty penny huh mista hand, be back in 3 days fo ya!" then runs off after the pistol man.

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