Search Tyrone's memories to see if he knows these people

From Create Your Own Story

You start to sift through Tyrone's memories when you're interrupted by a sudden flash of red light. The smell of brimstone permeates the air and Satan himself appears. The woman looks somewhat surprised by his presence, while the man has no reaction.

Satan approaches the other two and says something you can't make out. Whatever it was, it must have been a powerful command, because they hastily retreat from the room and just a few seconds later you hear the sound of a car starting up. The smell of burnt rubber reaches your nostrils as they peel out at top speed.

Satan approaches you. "You can do a lot of damage in this body," he hisses. "There are two people I would particularly like to see eliminated. The preacher down by the docks with the jet black hair is charismatic and he could gather followers to that goody-two-shoes." Satan lets out a hiss. Apparently he refuses to even say the word God. "Also, the woman who runs the homeless shelter in the ghetto is preventing a lot of mayhem from happening by trying to save people. She's got shoulder-length blonde hair and lives on the top floor of the abandoned crack house on 10th Avenue." You nod, knowing that particular crack house well. "I want at least one of them dead by tonight," Satan continues, his eyes like glowing coals. "They are threats."

With a POOF! Satan vanishes abruptly.

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