School Wars/Head to Science class

From Create Your Own Story

There are, rather than tables and chairs, stools and counters. Each counter has 2 chairs, a drawer on the left side, and 2 Science textbooks out. You and Nick sit together. Mr. Chang then says, loud and clear, "I hope you like who you're sitting with, because they are your lab partners now. Take a textbook, and open the drawers. There should be some things in there. Raise your hand if it's empty. Nobody? Good. Now, as you can see, there is a box of surgical gloves. Those you will wear, as well as an apron, and a set of goggles. Is anyone short on supplies? No? Very well then. Get used to your stuff, and I'll start to learn names. Then I'll explain what we'll be doing this year."

After Mr. Chang finishes explaining what the class will be doing, the bell is 5 minutes away from ringing. You start talking with Nick, and another kid walks up. "Who are you?" you ask. The kid is wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans.

"I'm David," he says simply. "Can I ask you guys a favor?"

"Uh, okay..."

"Great. Meet me when school lets out at 2:30."

"Where?" asks Nick.

David thinks for a second. "On the basketball court."

Later that day, you, Nick, and David are assembled on the court. "Okay, so what I need is for you guys to help me out with these gangsters. I want you guys to—"Suddenly, Gunfire breaks out. Instinctively, you all run. David joins your party. "Your call!" David yells to you. "Take this pistol!" You grab one, and Nick gets one too. What do you do?


  • You 100% HP

Equipment: schoolbooks, pistol

  • Nick 100% HP

Equipment: schoolbooks, pistol

  • David 100% HP

Equipment: schoolbooks, pistol

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