ST2: Try and call two people over and hide under the hole

From Create Your Own Story

You leap down from the vehicle and sprint to the pipe. You also lookout for other people who are also escaping the wrath of the tornado. It doesn't take long though, as you find two people running. You urge them to hide inside, exclaiming that there would be no way that it would destroy them. One of them, a woman, in her mid twenties agrees with the plan. While the other, a muscular man, most likely just finishing high school, disagrees with the plan entirely and shoves you away so he could sprint away.

You and the woman quickly climb into the side of the pipe. It's damp, but not enough that it would be uncomfortable. The wind begins to become terrifying and woman, holds you tight. You begin to talk to one another and learn about each other.

Her name is Faith. She is 24 years old and came to Netrue so she could pursue her job being a radio host. It was supposed to be her interview today, but it was postponed due to the natural disaster.

Outside, you see the angry tornado pass by. It practically destroys every item, person, and vehicle that came in its way. Faith holds you tighter. This the most you've every interacted with a person of the opposite gender in about three years, so you feel warm inside. You both shut your eyes as lots of dust begins to flow through the pipe. You never open them for the next thirty seconds. You hear busses and cars colliding with each other, some odd explosions, and the whirling of that tornado. Your eyes slowly open to what is now a car wreck. You tell Faith, who has her eyes still tightly shut, that it is okay, and you both promptly exit the pipe. You look towards the now leaving tornado, it's finally gone, never again, going to annoy you ever again. Your head turns to Faith, who then hugs you and says.

"Thank you. You saved my life. Maybe after this is all over, we could meet up for some coffee"

You glance into her deep, brown eyes, open your mouth and say.

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