ST2: Stay in the car and hope for the best

From Create Your Own Story

Thinking it would be better. You decide it would smart to hide inside the car. As you sit there, you turn the radio on. The Chopper View's on..

Chopper View: It looks like the tornado is heading straight for the highway....*Explosion*

You actually see the explosion, its not too far from where you are, and you start to see that the tornado is not going to leave the highway.

Oh my god! The tornado has just caused a car to explode! This is madness! Whoever is on that highway right now better run, or its bye bye for you! I can't bare to watch this! People are being sucked inside the tornado as we speak! This is just...

The tornado isn't very far from you now, the ground is beginning to shake and you can hear the wind pushing against your car. You can even see the chopper at the corner of your eye. You realise that you are going to die. You turn the radio off and begin to think about what you've accomplished in your life. Not very. In terms of education you were the best. But you've never had a girlfriend in 4 years! You shed a tear.

The tornado then sucks you and your car inside. You look around and see the insides of the tornado. As you are chucked around, you slowly close your eyes and try to sleep. Since you will never wake up again.

Your car then gets thrown into the air and slams face-first into the side of a building.

You didn't survive today.

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I Love My Car

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