ST2: Exit the candy store and just RUN!

From Create Your Own Story

You swing open one of the doors. Kardon takes notice and asks.

"Hey! What are you doing, it's going to bring in all the dust and rubbish from outside if you do that!"

You step outside and let the door close. As you fearfully begin to run away from the tornado, Kardon, with his face with covered in shock, screams out.

"What are you doing! This damn tornado won't hit this place, this shop has been standing here for more than forty years and it hasn't been troubled by any-"

The tornado ravages through the candy shop, tearing the place from the inside out, the tornado manages to destroy another two unlucky stores with it. You spin around to see the shop get torn apart, you shiver in fear about thinking that it could have been you as well in that ferocious tornado. The tornado looks like it's not going to give up soon. A red van suddenly pulls up in front of you, you notice that the van has a riculous amount of satellites and random gizmo's on the roof. The door slides open, a man is there, you notice inside lots of screens and recording devices along with other kinds of technology that you have never seen before in your life. The man throws his hand toward you.

"GET IN THE CAR!" He screams angrily,"OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE HERE?!"

You instantly grab his hand and he pulls you inside the van, closing the door behind you. The car then begins to move frantically away from the tornado. You notice that there are another two people in the car, one being the driver, who you notice has no hair, and another being an asian girl sitting in the passenger seat. The man who pulled you inside grabs you by the shoulders.

"What the hell were you doing in the middle of the road!"

You explain your story to him, you then ask why are they here too. The girl turns around and see her face, somehow you are entranced by her deep eyes.

"Well, can't you tell," She speaks loudly, "we're storm chasers, this is actually my first time doing this, so i'm not sure on what to do here."

"You should be recording the tornado!" The driver interrupts, "No one else is getting pictures of these, and the pay is really high this time of year."

She nods her head in agreement and takes out her video camera and begins to record the tornado, which is in front of the van at the moment.

"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves," The man who saved you says, "My names Gavin, she's Tiana, but we call her Tee, and he's Darren. As Tee said, we are storm chasers, she just joined us for the thrill of the ride, but me and Darren here are more proffesional and need to take these shots so we can earn money."

You begin to converse with Gavin more, you learn that Tee is 24 and came from Japan five years ago to attend university here and to become a Photographer, you also learn that both Gavin and Darren have been doing storm chasing for more than eight years and have taken an abundance of shots of storms. Before that Gavin was a Photographer for a Gardening and cooking magazine, and Darren worked as an accountant at the Netrue Royalties Bank.

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