ST2: Everything Goes Silent

From Create Your Own Story

Everything Goes Silent...

All you can hear now is the wind whirling ferociously in the background and the revving of the engine.

You slowly lift open your eyes. And you cannot believe what you see. The other side of the tornado, you've made it through the tornado in one piece!

"WE'RE ALIVE!!" Gavin screams, "WE"RE ALIVE!!!"

The van suddenly goes into an uproars of celebration, you've made it through, alive!

"I cannot believe this," Tee cries out, "My idea worked! I thought this would never work and we were all going to die!"

After a few more seconds of happiness, then Darren calls out.

"You do know that the tornado could still be following us."

The vehicle goes silent once again, Gavin spins around to face the back.

"Nope," Gavin proclaims with a smirk on his face, "Those two tornadoes are still moving in the same direction."

Once again, the van goes into celebration mode, though not as long and as jubilant as the first one. You all calm down eventually and head on to Darren's place, where you enjoy dinner at and tell the story a couple more times. It turns out that Tee has a small crush for you, because when she handed you her number, on the side, a sentence saying Wanna hang sometime? is written on the bottom corner.


You meet Tee a few days later at a fancy restaurant in the richer area of Netrue, you soon become regularly dating and soon enter a very intimate relationship with each other.

Achievment Get!

Sweet/Sweet Ending!

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