SM:You Have Experience

From Create Your Own Story

You think back on the real fights you've gotten into, and the formal training you recieved in various classes you've taken. One look at the phantom and you determine that striking quickly, and decisvely at the only thing that even remotely says vulnerability is the key.

You quickly turn to your side so the phantom can only see your profile, making you a smaller target. You ball your hand into a fist and throw a strong punch straight for the phantom's mask.

Your fist connects on its' chin and you hit with enough force to break a triangular piece off and send cracks spiderwebbing up the mask. The force of the blow even pushes the phantom back.

"Agghh! Stupid peasant! How dare you!" the phantom shouts, its' voice rattled for the first time since you've met it.

An invisible, powerful force suddenly strikes you from the direction of the phantom. You wince but your balanced, solid stance keeps you on your feet.

You close the distance between yourself and the phantom quickly, using the momentum generated to deliver a powerful straight kick into the phantom's mask. More pieces of the mask chip away as the phantom is knocked up, and back.

This time it does not seem able to right itself and falls onto the 'ground' on its' 'back.' The mask and cloak seperate at the moment of impact and its' mask bounces, then slides, a few feet away from it.

Once again you close the distance, rushing past the downed cloak and straight to the mask. You lift your foot and slam your heel down into it chipping more pieces and causing almost every inch of it to be covered in cracks.

Despite the appearance of the material, it is proving to be rather resiliant so you decide to throw everything you have at it. You crouch slightly, then leap into the air and over the mask.

You know if this doesn't break the damn thing, it may just be beyond your ability to win this fight.

You come down on it, hard, with the entirety of your weight coupled with gravity and as you land on the mask...

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