Run from the hidden creatures before they attack

From Create Your Own Story

Without thinking, you run the way you came, your heart pounding in fear. But you don't make it far before your path is blocked by a beastman. A seven foot fox-like beast, with large muscles, red and white fur, and a clear lust in his eyes. Taking a step back, you quickly turn to run, but another beastman leaps from the bushes, blocking yet another exit. This one an equally large white wolf.

Everywhere you turn there is another beastman blocking you. Ten in total, you are completely surrounded, each one starring at you with an equal lust in their eyes.

"Whatcha doing this far out in the woods, little elf?" the wolf asks.

"I... I... I was just gathering some flowers..." you sheepishly reply, "Please, I meant no harm, I swear."

They laugh at your response. "I don't know how much harm a cute little thing like you could do." a minotaur chuckles.

"W-what do you want?" you nervously ask.

"Well, brothers," the fox says with a cocky grin, "what do we want from this beauty?"

"We want a mother!" they all shout, raising their fists toward the sky.

"A... mother?" you ask, not expecting that response.

The wolf steps in close to you, and leans in even closer. "Yes, you see we're all orphans here. Brothers in every way but blood. It's been so hard for us, and we would never wish our life on anyone else. So, we're going to ensure that our children never go without a mother."

It dawns on you that they don't want you to be their mother, but their children's. Fear envelopes you at that realization, and your legs buckle underneath you.

"Hey look, brothers!" a brown wolf laughs, "She's scared."

"P-please... don't... Let me go..." you cry.

"Sorry," the minotaur says, "but you're the first woman to come this way in years, and we ain't gonna let you go. So, ya either do this willingly, or we rape ya."

This ultimatum makes you piss yourself, and you tremble at all their lust filled gazes.

Health female orc, amnesia, named Lorisa Equipment:

simple brown dress, slippers, makeup, jewelry

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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