Refuse to take your clothes off

From Create Your Own Story

You draw yourself up to your full height. "No," you say firmly.

"What?" the man replies. "I must have mis-heard what you said."

You sigh and move your hands to your chest as if you're going to unbutton your shirt. The man relaxes for just a split-second. You use that instant to shoot your hands forward and grab for the gun. The man doesn't relinquish control of the weapon, however, and the two of you wrestle for it. In the struggle, you both lose your balance and fall to the ground. You claw and kick and bite as the man uses every technique he knows to subdue you. The gun is still between your bodies as you roll around frantically on the ground...


The man's resistance stops instantly. You push him off you and view what is now a male corpse. The bullet must have gone directly through his heart. You reach down slowly, picking up the blood-soaked gun. The pool of blood beneath the man grows rapidly as you step back, still looking down, unable to fully process what just happened.

When you finally look up, a blonde woman with what looks like a submachine gun in her hands is aiming it directly at your chest.

"Who are you?" you stammer, still in shock. "And where did you come from?"

"Inside the van," the woman replies evenly. She gestures to the dead man. "I'm his partner. I don't blame you for what happened, it was a melee and the gun went off by accident. However, if you don't put the gun on the ground and remove your clothes, the gun in my hand will go off and the bullet will go directly through your heart. And that won't be an accident."

You are possessing:
Sarah Schnell
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