Refuse. You would rather just have an innocent day with your two old friends

From Create Your Own Story

While you can't deny how attractive your two friends are, you would rather enjoy both of them in a "normal" way. Lucas seems disappointed but shrugs and make some more coffee for the three of you. Mila is still smiling and doesn't seem to mind your decision, even if you know the white wolf well enough to know she does. After a little while, both of them successively go to their bedroom and comes back fully clothed. You spend the next few hours sitting with your two friends, remembering the old times. You tell them all about your current life, and in return learn more about how both of them live as of now. Both musicians, they are in evident lack of money, but still manage to pay their rent and food with the few money they get. They talk to you about their musical projects and their band together. Some kind of rock... folkish... metal thing, you're not even sure in the end, but well, they seem to deeply enjoy it. Mila spend some time describing you how hot she thinks their female cheetah guitarist is, and how she's hoping she will join her and Lucas in bed someday, but comming from Mila, you're not surprised to hear such throughts.

Eventually, the three of you decide you will definitely see each others again. You leave the two wolves at early night with a big smile on your face, more than happy to have spent a nice afternoon and evening with them. You know you will see them again soon, and who knows, maybe this time, you will let things get a little more naughty... They're such good friends, after all.


Furry Status
Health 98 Equipment:

Phone, Wallet, Keys, Clothes

Gender Male
Species Lion
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