Post an online ad seeking women ages 50-60 who live nearby

From Create Your Own Story

New York is a big city, and a fairish number of people use computers. You decide to post an ad online. You specify you're looking for women in the 50-60 year old range, living near you.

After several months of sifting through replies and corresponding with potential candidates, you narrow it down to two possibles to ask out.

Becca is a tiny woman, maybe 5-foot-nothing and 90 pounds soaking wet. Her once-brown hair now has a good deal of white in it, and she doesn't have much in the way of curves, but she seems very nice.

Jenn is a tall, rotund brunette with just a few strands of white in her hair. She's just coming off a divorce and for the moment is more interested in sex than love, but is willing to give you a chance to win her heart if you can heal it first.

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