Pokémon: Try and get to the Pokémon Lab

From Create Your Own Story

You try and get to the Pokémon Lab, and you succeed, but not unscathed. You fall and hurn your ankle even more along the way. You knock on the Pokémon Lab's door and Oak answers the door.

"Ah, you're early. Here take one of these Pokémon. The Pokéballs have labels on them, choose one." Oak tells you. "Oh, wait. Your mother told me to give this to you." Oak gives you a Pokéball with a Pidgey in it.

"Owch, that must hurt." Oak said. You looked confused. He brings out a couple of potions and squirts them on your leg. You sigh in bliss. You thank him.

Do you choose:

Health 60, Twisted Ankle Equipment:

No Pokémon!

MP 50
Level 0
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