Plane Crash/Then

From Create Your Own Story

You wake up to a loud crash. You quickly sit up, alert and awake. The sky is darkened now, even though it's only mid-afternoon. A storm must have formed in the route. The load crash was lightning, striking an engine, for now the right wing had a large black burn. The girls are all screaming. You work your way up to the cockpit to the pilot, where she struggles to keep the plane up.

"It's not looking good," she says, "I may not be able to keep it up much longer."

Looking down to the sea, tossed by churning waves, you see an island almost directly below.

"We could parachute down. There are enough for all of us."

"Hmm...risky, but probably our only choice. Go tell the others, I'll get the chutes." She flips the plane into autopilot, which increases their descent.

You go back to the cabin and yell over the commotion and explain the plan. The girls, all mute in fear and shock, nod slowly. The pilot come back with everyone's chutes and explains how they work. Then, as you are over the center of the island, you open the cargo doors, leading the way, you jump. Looking up, you see the others are following. You go about 3/4 of the way down before pulling your chute. The chute is caught by the wind, blowing you around, luckily more to the center of the land. However, looking up, you see that the others had pulled their chutes earlier, and the wind and separated them far away. You fall through trees and land, scratched up, on a forest floor. You can't see where the others land, but you know that everyone is separated.

You hike for a few miles through trees. You eventually reach a clearing with a large tree in the center. By this time the storm has stopped, the sun is out again.

From here you can make out directions, but you have no idea where anything is.

Do you...

Climb the tree

Walk in a random direction

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