Piggy's Day/Something goes wrong

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "I don't feel any smaller."

One of the assistants starts noticing something.

Assistant: "This doesn't look good. I think he's actually getting bigger."

Theodor looks over, and sees that you are now three meters tall.

Theodor: "Wha- UAAAH! He's getting bigger as we speak!"

Piggy: "Oh no..."

Assistant: "What if Piggy crushes our ceiling?"

Theodor: "Not to worry. Piggy still contains the same amount of the same basic particles, so he hasn't increased in mass."

After you've grown to ten meters, you begin to feel faint.

Piggy: "H-Hey... I can't breathe..."

You die of asphyxiation.

Assistant: "What happened?"

Theodor: "I believe Piggy's lungs couldn't process regular, smaller air. Either that or his lungs weren't powerful enough to pull in oxygen fast enough."


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