Piggy's Day/Right from where you are now

From Create Your Own Story

You don't want to go straight into the field of spiky plants, so you start going around its edge. After five minutes of walking, you hit a wall.

Captain: "Okay, back we go."

As you're about to leave, a strange looking man in a bloody and ripped business suit sticks their head out from a crevasse on the wall.

Strange man: "Hey, did you touch my wall!?"

Piggy: "Uhh, I think I might've."

Strange man: "You'll have to pay me for that."

Marine: "Screw you! We don't have any money and you don't need any money."

The strange man then starts violently vibrating, his eyes go blank and ghosts start spewing from his mouth. The ghosts engulf you, and try to steal your soul. However, being a mutant, you don't actually have a soul.

Piggy: "Hah, that didn't do much for you, did it?"

Then, the strange man shoots you with a rifle.


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