Piggy's Day/Let the monkeys be

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "Meh, I hear it's not a good idea to wage war on self-conscious beings. I'll just wait until they get bored of it"

You go out for a hunt and return in the evening. Still, the monkeys are using the carousel. You wait until the very edge of the night, when the monkeys go to sleep. Unfortunately a few of them decide to sleep on top of the carousel. You dare not to move them. Besides, you'd need daylight to use this properly. Unsure of what to do, you decide that the most democratic thing to do is to build them something else to play on. Meanwhile, you could sneak onto the carousel.

Piggy: "Let's see, what would monkeys want to play on... A swing! Of course, that's not even too difficult to make."

You spend the night collecting elastic vines, and tie it onto a leftover plank from the carousel. You then tie it to a tree branch near the carousel. You also make a swing tire next to it, so that all the monkeys can fit in there at the same time.

Piggy: "I can't see how this would fail!"

The next morning you head over to the carousel, and as expected, the monkeys have found the swing set. Unfortunately, it has also attracted more monkeys than yesterday. Now both of them are being used.

Piggy: "Oh for darn's sake..."

This goes on for a week. In that time, you've build them a climbing rack, a slide, a see-saw, two other swing sets, a rocking horse and a motorized tea cup ride powered with your electric toothbrush. Also in that time, seemingly all monkeys of East Africa have found their way into your playground, and still the carousel is in constant use.


Your cries are lost in the sea of noise made by the grinning avalance of primates. You leave the area defeated, and start to devise another plan to... what was it again?

Piggy: "All I wanted was to find the way to the river, and... Hey wait. I've been doing hunting and gathering around here for two weeks now. I know this area very well - I just need to check the map again."

You head for your camp, and looking at your map again, you indeed recognize several important parts of the map. This allows you to make it to the river. Following it for two days leads you to a village, where you manage to call home to send somebody over to pick you up. And while you make it out, deep in the jungles of Slethany, your electric toothbrush runs out of charge, and the teacup machine stops. The dissapointed and disoriented monkeys go on a rampage and start a civil war, which eventually leads to the primate population of Slethany to degenerate back to the levels of the 2000's.


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