Pi Pi Pi/The officer comes back and gets you

From Create Your Own Story

Suddenly, an authoritarian voice cuts through the proceedings. "Alright, everybody, clear out of here." You turn your head.

The cop who arrested you is standing at the door of the station. He walks over to you as the crowd disperses, driven away by his glare. He steps up to you. "Did any of those people harm you?"

You shake your head. "No. They were just looking at me. No one touched me, if that's what you mean."

"That's what I mean. I'm glad you're okay." He takes you by the arm and helps you off the cart, then guides you into the station. He takes you to a large room at the end of a long hallway. There are several desks in the room, each with a chair, and some stools. The officer tells you to sit down in one of the stools. You do so.

"Are you going to take these cuffs off?" you say.

"Eventually," the officer replies with a smile. "But not just yet."

"Okay," you say. You are trying to keep your voice neutral, as you don't want the officer to know how turned on you are right now.

The officer sits down in the desk next to you. He starts asking you questions: who you are, where do you live, why were you topless in public?

You explain the last one. "I'm pledging to Pi Pi Pi, and they told me I can't wear a bra anymore, so I had to lose the sport bra I wore there. I didn't have anything else."

"I see," the officer says. "Of course it's Pi Pi Pi."

You ask, "What's going to happen to me?"

"You'll get a ticket. There's a hefty fine, but no jail time. Of course, if you do it again, you will get jail time. And after that, I'll find a shirt you can wear back to your dorm. We have a couple old t-shirts drifting around the station. I can let you have one of those."

"I see," you say.

"Now get that stool and come over here. Read over the information I wrote down and make sure it's correct."

You hop off the stool and walk over to the officer. You look at the computer screen he is pointing to. As you read the information, you make certain to rub your bare breasts against the officer's head and shoulders. Your nipples are hard, and you are moist down below.

So, you think, the cop will give you a ticket, and that will be the end of it. You'll go back to your dorm room a little poorer, but you'll have a shirt.

On the other hand, the officer is kind of cute, and you are so turned on right now.

Do you:

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Short shorts and handcuffs

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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