Perform a sexy striptease

From Create Your Own Story

You shimmy your hips while sliding your shirt upwards. Sleepy students slowly perk up as your shirt comes off. You twirl your shirt in your hand and shake your breasts as best you can while they’re still restrained by your bra.

“That’s quite enough, Miss Valentine,” Mr. Gaslight says. “I’ll admit that what you’re doing is more entertaining than my lecture, but let’s try to remember that this is a school. A place of learning, not lewdness.”

You fling your shirt in Mr. Gaslight’s face, and while he’s busy getting disentangled from it, you unclasp your bra and free your girls. The boys applaud and hoot as you tweak your nipples into full arousal.

Mr. Gaslight throws your shirt back to you. You ignore it and it falls to the floor.

“Miss Valentine,” Mr. Gaslight says. “If you don’t desist, I shall be forced to call the principal.”

You unzip your skirt. The boys stand up and strain forward to get better looks as you shimmy it down your legs. Mr. Gaslight grabs his desk phone. One of the boys makes a dash for the phone cord and pulls it out of the wall. You kick your skirt away.

“Miss Valentine!” Mr. Gaslight says.

You stroke the front of your panties.

“You want to see me totally naked, boys?” you ask coyly.

Judging by the tents in all the boys’ pants, if you don’t take those panties off, they’ll rip them off for you. Mr. Gaslight starts for the door. Several boys trip him and they tie his hands behind his back using the phone cord.

“Take them off!” “Let’s see some pussy!”

Do you:

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Sporty Blonde Girl
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