PW: Obtain These Sharp Gravel Stones

From Create Your Own Story

On the floor there is a bargain-prone enterprise item that you cannot waver out of deciding to foster. Your hand clenches into a fist and returns to normal in order to simulate grabbing the stones, now you aim to do so to the material object that may be the entity that orbits your consumption and appetite; this appetite is condensed into the shape of one of the immortal and archaic stones which sit dead-static beneath your shoe-soles; they have no eyes like the cliffs to see the horizon. They are ebullient and violent stones with edges that both communicate and make sensible sharpness, so you pick them up on the space within a blade that inevitably leads to fortune and deliverance from hazards. The side you chose to pick up, carefully, is crystalized as the end most blunt-like.

In any appearance or situation: this end you dare pick up, kneeling down gently next to the stones and craning over them to look at the subtle intricacies that may inspire injury. Finding none: you not only feel safe, but you feel that they are applicable, able to be equipped. Such acts of item-traversal make you ponder: whether you're the item of their inventory to make fortunate their dangerous lustful games of violence and anarchy, or whether this sparks inevitable and consummating item-enthrallment, you are merely driven to attachment that is disguised as practicality behind this unfortunate vein of acerbic rubble. Thereof you leave the brief light of the passing thoughts alone and set your sights on more clearly answerable things.

Nonetheless: you can hold this or you can hold it at a time at which it is called; these two options are bore by your hands and your several pockets, four pockets are sewn on to your trousers, and hopefully as you analyse this it has quenched your thirst for knowledge concerning your current number of withheld pockets.

Circumstances "Saturated, lucid, savoury" Paraphernalia:



"Cogency, cliff, moor, ocean, aquatic, land, stones, respiration, movement, literacy, English, consumption, appetite, young, danger, threat, will, space, sharpness, threat, anguish"

Circular Reasoning "Logically Sound"
Profoundness "Nil"

Do you:

Describe it as a matter of putting it in your pocket

Make it more blatantly obvious that you can defend yourself!

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