PN/Bus/Saved/Put on the jacket, this is too intense

From Create Your Own Story

You reach out and grab the jacket from him as he heads to the back of the bus. You wrap yourself in it immediately, this isn't fun anymore.

Tyler helps you sit up on the seat and sits down next to you, continuously looking back and forth between Chris in the back and your hands: which you just now realize you had been wringing. You look away from him and out the window.

The driver seems to be heading to the police station, if what you see out the window is any indication.

Tyler just sits there quietly for a moment, before asking,"Do you need anything Shannon?"

"No...I don't know, I want to go back home", You reply.

He stands up and says he'll let the driver know you want to go home. You are shaken violently as the bus hits the curb of the police station.

"Sorry!", The driver exclaims to a chorus of groans from his passengers.

You sit and watch as everything unfolds in front of you in a moments time: the driver opens the back and Tyler returns from inside the station with 4 officers. The students holding Chris and his friends while they shout disgusting things about you lower them outside the bus and into the awaiting arms of cuffs and the authorities. You should be glad that nothing worse happened, you should be happy that they will get what they deserve. You think to yourself that you should be pleased that this is all over and you are helped up and escorted to a police car to be taken home. You should be happy that Tyler seems so concerned about you, even though you keep remembering that nothing happened over and over...

'...But that's just it', you think to yourself as you realize it: They took away your sense of freedom. you figure that you can't just go around and be free without someone trying to take advantage of you. As the car drives you back onto your street, seemingly having taken no time, you begin to cry.

{Sad Ending: Violated, but at least physically safe}

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