Ongoing Story/Later this day, eight guards decide they want to have their own 'fun' with you

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 13: A Drop in the Bucket

"I suppose your here to rape me. Well if you think I'm gonna give it up with out a fight, think again!" you spit.

"Not at all! The Duke has decided to be merciful to you and give you a chance to earn your freedom." The guard smiles and hands you a large bucket.

"What's this for? And how exactly am I to earn my freedom?" You ask suspiciously. If you've learned anything here, it's that you can't take anything here at face value.

"By filling the bucket of course! It is now sunrise. If you can fill this bucket completely with sperm by sunrise tomorrow, you will be offered your freedom. Fail, and you must drink the contents of the bucket before you will be allowed to start again."

"That's impossible! That bucket can hold more than a two gallons and the average man produces little more than a few tablespoons! How am I to fill it?"

"You must hope that the Duke's guards are not 'average men' I suppose. Really, its of little consequence to me if you win or loose, I'm just here to see if you're willing to play the game. What's it to be then?" he inquires.

You have little choice. Besides, things might get violent if you refuse to play their sick game. You accept.

"Alright, but only one guy at a time. Start a line outside the door. And get some more guards, its going to take more that eight guys to fill this bucket!" You say finally to a hoot of approval. One guard stays and the rest go outside your cell to await their turns. You kneel down on the straw that serves as your bed and tell the guy to whip it out. You give him a very businesslike blowjob, the first of many you'll preform that day. When he cums you catch it all in your mouth and lean over and spit the gooey semen into the bucket with as much lady like dignity as you can muster. You look down to see the product of your hard work and begin to understand what the expression "just a drop in the bucket" means. Other men wait outside and whenever one man comes out of your cell, another eagerly enters. You don't let all the guys cum in you mouth, usually it just happen by accident or if the guy is exceptionally cute, most of the time you simply pull him out of your mouth and direct his cock at the bucket when you feel his climax approaching and milk his semen out with your hand. To your surprise, by the time the sun sets you are nearly half way there, at this rate by daybreak you will be a free women. A tired woman, a woman with bad breath, but a free woman none the less. The problem is that number of guards outside you door is decreasing. Instead of a long line of guards sporting wood, ready to burst, now only a few guards wander in every now and then. And those are just guards returning for seconds or thirds who have already orgasmed and take longer to make cum. By midnight even those guards have stopped showing up and the bucket is isn't close to being even 2/3 full. You suspect the guards stopped 'cumming' because they don't want you to earn your freedom, they intend for you to play this game day after day.

You give up hope. If Elena doesn't honor her promise then you will be stuck here for good. Maybe this was her idea of helping you escape, by suggesting this 'bucket' idea to her father.

What happens now?

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